
5-8 de noviembre de 2019


posterOn the occasion of the celebration of the  80th anniversary of the CNRS (Centre national de la recherche scientifique), the Center for Mathematical Modeling is organizing between November 5 and 8, 2019 a French Latin-American Conference on New Trends in Applied Mathematics, to be held at the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences of University of Chile.

The conference includes various topics related to the fundamental and strategic areas of the center.


You can now download a PDF document with practical information, plenary abstracts, and workshops (parallel sessions) program:

Please check for updates in the individual workshops programs.

Photo gallery
Now is available a gallery of photos of the Conference.

Plenary Speakers

  • Eric Bonnetier,  U. Grenoble-Alpes, France
  • Raimund Bürger, U. Concepción-CMM, Chile
  • Jean Dolbeault, U. Paris-Dauphine, France
  • Fabien Durand, U. Picardie Jules Verne, France
  • Yoshiharu Kohayakawa, U. de São Paulo, Brazil
  • Salomé Martínez, U. Chile-CMM, Chile
  • Sylvie  Méléard, École Polytechnique, France
  • Claudia Sagastizábal, U. Campinas, Brazil

Organizing committee


This event is funded by Conicyt through Basal Program AFB-17001 (Center for Mathematical Modeling) and Fondecyt Program, and by Iniciativa Científica Milenio.